Unit 3
Contains 194 Results:
New Ideas, 1945
Film opens with the Bronx Zoo's Question House and intersplices book pages with zebra, bird, and deer footage to educate viewers on animal species. "The New York Zoological Society is finding dramatic ways to old ends-- Conservation, Recreation, Instruction and Research"--Film credits.
New York and Around the World (A-Roll), 1994
Film showcasing the link between WCS's wildlife conservation efforts at its New York City zoos and its global field work. There is a segment on the Coral Reef Lab at the New York Aquarium and the medical fertilization of snow leopards. Staff featured include Fred Koontz, George Schaller, Alyssa Scott, Martha Hiatt, Kris Theis, Keith Walker, Kevin Walsh, Alan Alder, Lorraine Hershonik, William Karesh, Robert Cook, Paul Calle, and Bonnie Raphael.
New York and Around the World (B-Roll), 1994
Film showcasing the link between WCS's wildlife conservation efforts at its New York City zoos and its global field work. There is a segment on the Coral Reef Lab at the New York Aquarium and the medical fertilization of snow leopards. Staff featured include Fred Koontz, George Schaller, Alyssa Scott, Martha Hiatt, Kris Theis, Keith Walker, Kevin Walsh, Alan Alder, Lorraine Hershonik, William Karesh, Robert Cook, Paul Calle, and Bonnie Raphael.
Safari to the Bronx, 1966
Film featuring bears, tigers, and monkeys, and footage of wall of photos showing animals cared for by Helen Martini. "Rare, strange and beautiful animals from all over the world are at home at the NY Zoological Park. Photographed by Sam Dunton"--Film credits.
St. Catherines Island ... An Update (A-Roll), 1984
A-roll of Wildlife Survival Center at St Catherines Island, operated by NYZS. "Produced by Wildlife Conservation Center"--Film credits.
St. Catherines Island ... An Update (B-Roll), 1984
B-roll of Wildlife Survival Center at St Catherines Island, operated by NYZS. "Produced by Wildlife Conservation Center"--Film credits.
Surgery of Subcutaneous Tumor in Parakeets, 1958
Close-up of surgery on parakeets. "Surgery of subcutaneous tumor in parakeets. Techniques employed in the NY Zoological Park. Charles P. Gandal Veterinarian New York Zoological Park. Photographed by Sam Dunton"--Film credits.
The Behavioral Characteristics of the Rhesus Monkey, 1947
Behavioral study of the Rhesus monkey in the wild. "Photographed and produced by C. R. Carpenter PhD. Edited and recorded by Penn State University. Sponsored by the New York Zoological Society. The Viking Fund. Department of Anatomy, College of Physicians and Surgeons Columbia University. Purposes to demonstrate: 1. Pyslogenic relations 2. General relations 3. Postures 4. Manipulations 5. Anatomical Characteristics"--Film credits.
The Kindergarten Class, 1952
Color version of NYZS film chronicling various animals being born at the Bronx Zoo and their keepers' efforts to care for young animals. "The Animal Kindergarten. Baby Animals at the Bronx Zoo. William Bridges. Photographed by Sam Dunton"--Film credits.
The Living Reptile series, part 2: Reproduction of the King Cobra, 1957-1958
Film illustrating king cobras from the Reptile House reproducing, with close-ups focusing on studying the snake eggs. "Living Reptile series Ohpiophagus. Directed under the supervision of James A. Oliver, Curator of Reptiles"--Film credits.